We found true and willing partners among the decision makers of the pop-up store chain formerly known as Spotango. A joyous and productive branding strategy followed. It was to be a smooth sailing with all the pieces willingly falling into place.
REPOP – Pop-up your brand
We branded this fast growing, international chain of pop-up stores.

Chief Creative Director: Sahar Lewenstein
Chief Art Director: Miriam Moshinsky
Marketing Strategy: Eyal Linur
Senior Creative: Adi Fuchs
Account Supervisor: Mor Lupa
Motion: Bondo Ben-Esh, Tomer Ravid

It was only natural that the brand story is the story of the target audience – the new businesses; the businesses that aren’t following the old formulaic road of setting up a street store and declaring themselves open for trading goods and services. They work on their own terms, oftentimes launching their activities online and moving on from that point. They’re not interested in an actual permanent store, but they are interested in connecting with their customers on occasion and seeking an opportunity to showcase their creativity. In that sense, the pop-up store would serve more as a stage to their talent rather than a sales outlet.
We concluded that the term pop-up was to be a verd rather than a noun. A variable in an equation that upgrades anyone’s business. An exciting steppingstone in growth and coming of age, in growing wings and coming out into the world. It is to be synonymous with creativity, illuminating and innovating.
The new visuals reflect the spirit of the brand story with a perfect balance between hinting at its creative nature but also with a distinct aim at playing second fiddle to customers.
The new visuals reflect the spirit of the brand story with a perfect balance between hinting at its creative nature but also with a distinct aim at playing second fiddle to customers.

